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Stanley Grange:
Each week, a group of pupils from Cl 4/5 are collected from school and taken to Stanley Grange. They spend the afternoon working on the school allotment plot.
Class R/1 have also had the opportunity to visit Stanley Grange. They spent a fantastic afternoon exploring the grounds, taking part in a treasure hunt and a tree identification quiz. They also got to plant a sunflower!
Week Commencing: 06.05.24
This week’s group from Class 4/5 played crazy golf on a nine-hole course which has been designed and built by Ben. There were two teams one led by Ben and the other by Mrs Edgerley. Dexter won the boys’ game with his two holes in one and Isla won for the girls.
Week Commencing: 15.04.24
Our weekly visits to our allotment plot started again on Thursday. Group 3 planted sunflower, cucumber and pumpkin seeds, as well as helping to weed the plot and look after the potato plants ensuring they were protected from the frost.
Week Commencing: 18.03.24
Group 2 planted their seeds in individual pots choosing from peppers, cucumbers and pumpkins. They also planted two sunflowers each, one to take home and the other to leave at Stanley Grange to enter the sunflower competition. Pupils also weeded and tided the plots, composting all of the dead plant material from last year’s sunflowers.
Week Commencing: 11.03.24
This week’s group helped to give the greenhouse a spring clean before checking on the garlic and planting their potatoes.
Week Commencing: 04.03.24
This week’s group were the last to plant seed potatoes, as well as leeks. They also got to choose which vegetable they wanted to plant, from sunflowers or pumpkins.
Week Commencing: 19.02.24
This week’s group got hands on with mixing coffee grounds and water to make plant feed. As well as harvesting leeks, they planted some ready for the next season.
Week Commencing: 15.01.24
This week’s group saw the first signs of Spring appearing! Garlic planted by our pupils last year is just beginning to grow! As last week, children were also asked to help decide which plants we should choose for our plot this year.
Week Commencing: 08.01.24
This week’s group have started work on planning what should be grown on our plot. Looking at what grew well last year, and what didn’t, they came up some ideas for the different fruit and vegetables that would grow well in our local environment.