Wednesday Word
The Wednesday Word is an outreach opportunity to share the Sunday Gospel with all school families.
The online version of the booklet is emailed home each week and used in class as part of Collective Worship.
Files to Download
Good News 22.01.25.pdf Joy 15.01.25.pdf Baptism 08.01.25.pdf Christmas-Holiday-Special.pdf Preparation 04.12.24.pdf Advent 27.11.24.pdf Leader 20.11.24.pdf Faithfulness 13.11.24.pdf Gift 06.11.24.pdf Half-Term-Holiday-Special.pdf Happiness 09.10.24.pdf Openness 02.10.24.pdf Serving 18.09.24.pdf Jesus 11.09.24.pdf Summer Holiday Booklet.pdf Listening 10.07.24.pdf Welcome 03.07.24.pdf Faith 26.06.24.pdf Calm 19.06.24.pdf God's Kingdom 12.06.24.pdf May Half Term.pdf Pentecost 15.05.24.pdf Care 08.05.24.pdf Love 01.05.24.pdf Growing (2).pdf Trust 17.04.24.pdf Follow 13.03.24.pdf Self Giving 06.03.24.pdf Enthusiasm 28.02.24.pdf Half Term Holiday Special.pdf Healing 31.01.24.pdf Teacher 24.01.24.pdf Community 17.01.24.pdf