Class 2 and 3 2023 - 2024

Mr Astle

Class Teacher: Mr Astle and Mr Smith

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Teaching Assistants: Mrs Edgerley, Mrs Lau & Mrs Murray

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Week Commencing: 17.06.24

In Class 2/3 this week we have been exploring the lives of ordinary people before the Industrial Revolution. In English we have continued to look at explanation texts and on Friday morning pupils led Prayer and Liturgy focussing on peace in our world.

Week Commencing:10.06.24

This week, Class 2/3 have started their new English unit on explanation texts by looking at some Wallace and Gromit contraptions.  In maths, Year 3 have been learning the first twelve Roman numerals and Year 2 have been looking at quarter-to and quarter-past the hour.

Week Commencing: 04.06.24

This week, Class 2/3 started a new topic on th Industrial Revolution in Preston by looking at the way technology has changed over time. In maths pupils finished their unit on fractions and will be move on to time next week. In RE, the class finished their topic on Pentecost, looking at how the Holy Spirit inspired people such as Martin Luther King. The class also enjoyed a visit from some fire-fighters who talked to them about how to “stop, drop & roll” in the instance of a fire.

Week Commencing: 20.05.24

This week, Class 2/3 started our DT topic on mechanical systems. The children have been exploring different lever and linkage combinations. In geography ,we have continued to look at how Australia is different from the UK.  On Wednesday we took a look at the different types of animals found on the continent.

Week Commencing: 13.05.24

Class 2/3 have started their new topic on Pentecost this week, looking at how the Holy Spirit renewed the faith of Mary and the 12 apostles after the Ascension of Jesus. In science, we have been looking at what humans and animals need to survive.  We had an interesting conversation about how long you could go without eating!!! The Year Two's used all their skills this week in PE when they played a full game of rounders with Year Six—the year groups were mixed up and Year Three are continuing to enjoy going swimming.

Week Commencing: 06.05.24

In English, Class 2/3 have started to identify what a good character description would look like.  In French, they have been learning about each season, this week the focus was on hiver (winter).

Week Commencing: 29.04.24

Class 2/3 have started their new English unit using the book “Leonora Bolt: Secret Inventor”. The children have  loved the opening chapter. Why not ask them if they would like to invent something? In maths we also started a new unit—fractions. The class used charcoal drawings to depict the empty tomb and Jesus’ resurrection in R.E.

Week Commencing: 22.04.24

In R.E, Class 2/3 have been looking at the sacrifices Jesus had to make both before, and after His resurrection, until His eventual Ascension to Heaven. In PE we practiced the skill of aiming and iIn geography we started our new unit comparing the UK with Australia. Did you know that a man walked from the UK to Australia? It took him 5 years!

Week Commencing: 15.04.24

This week, Class 2/3 finished our geography unit of the UK by looking at all things English.  We started our new English poetry unit by looking at the poem called "The Magic Box" by Kit Wright by thinking what we might put into our own box.

Week Commencing: 18.03.24

This week in Class 2/3, we have continued writing our story linking to 'The Accidental Prime Minister'. I have seen loads of examples of 'noun phrases' and 'inverted commas' which is great, as this was our grammar focus for the unit! As it is Assessment Week, maths has been taken up by tests, applying what they have learnt and showing their skills when solving problems. In R.E., we looked at what it means to follow in the footsteps of God - the class thought of some great ideas to ensure we were making the right choices. The class has also been continuing their geography unit on the UK. This week they explored Wales and really got into the Welsh language—why not say “good morning” to them?

Week Commencing: 11.03.24

In Class 2/3 maths this week, we have continued with our units on 'measurements' and 'multiplication'. Y2 have been looking at multiplication and division facts surrounding the 5 times tables, and Y3 have shown fantastic understanding of mm, cm and metres. In English, we have written the first part of our modelled write on 'The Accidental Prime Minister', applying our grammar focuses of 'inverted commas' and 'noun phrases'. On Science Day we wrote a story about a time travelling machine and drew a picture of what we think a scientist might look like. Thank you to everyone who took part in our “Great Fire of London” workshop this morning—we hope you learnt a lot!

Week Commencing: 04.03.24

In Class 2/3 English this week, we have been looking at correctly using the rules of speech. Inverted commas are not the only important part - the use of the capital letter at the start, and the punctuation at the end of the speech is also vital! In maths, Year 2 have moved onto multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, while Year 3 have continued their unit on measuring, using a ruler to measure to the nearest mm. Children have also been continuing their geography unit by identifying and locating the countries of the UK and in R.E. looking at reasons why the Gloria is important.


Week Commencing: 26.02.24

Class 2/3 have been learning to count—in French! Year 2 have been continuing with their maths unit on 'division', sharing numbers between 2, 3 and 5 groups. They have been using concrete resources, alongside visual aids to solve the problems. Year 3 started their new unit on measuring, using rulers to measure different items around the classroom. In English, we have written a diary entry, imagining that we were 'Joe' (the main character from The Accidental Prime Minister) ... What would we do if we suddenly became Prime Minister?


Week Commencing: 19.02.24

In maths this week, Year 2 have moved onto sharing. Using concrete resources, and real-life scenarios, they have been solving problems involving division. Year 3 have been continuing their work on multiplication, moving from multiplying using partitioning, to multiplying using the formal method. In English, we have all been looking at the front cover and blurb of our new book 'The Accidental Prime Minister' - it has got off to a fantastic start, and we can’t wait to hear what happens next! Pupils finished their last history topic by looking at Samuel Pepys and his diary.

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Week Commencing: 05.02.24

It's been a very different week in Class 2/3! On Monday, we had Number Day, where we used our detective skills to work out who had changed all the signs at the zoo. Using addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and problem solving skills, we worked out that 'Franklin' was the culprit! And with no respite, we then went into Safer Internet Day on Tuesday! Everyone came back at the end of the day will a full understanding of the 4 Cs of Internet Safety! 

Week Commencing: 29.01.24

In Maths this week, Year 2 have started their unit on multiplication, looking at equal groups of numbers. Year 3 are also on multiplication, but are looking at partitioning a 2-digit number before multiplying. In English, we have been looking at putting words into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs, before adding a variety of conjunctions to help the writing flow. We had a joint Collective Worship with Year 6 this week too, using the Scripture from the book of Mark to understand how to spread the Word of God.

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Week Commencing: 22.02.24

Class 2/3 have completed their independent writes on the Great Fire of London and the use of adverb starters and a range of conjunctions was evident in every child’s work. In RE, we have continued to look at our expectations for a new year, linking them to the second coming of Christ. Investigating what plants need to grow and be healthy has been the theme of our work in science.

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Week Commencing: 15.01.24

In Y2/3 this week, we have started looking at a story surrounding the Great Fire of London. The ideas have been amazing, and the quality of writing has utterly blown me away. In maths, Year 2 are soldiering on with their unit on money, looking at adding pounds and pence, while Year 3 have moved onto subtraction with an exchange. 

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Week Commencing: 08.01.24

It has been a fantastic first week back in Class 2/3, and it has been a pleasure to get to know the children. In maths, Year 2 have started their first unit of 2024, using money to solve problems, and Year 3 are doing some consolidation on addition and subtraction. We are linking our history and English topics, looking at The Great Fire of London, and using the book by Emma Adams to help it come to life.

Week Commencing; 11.12.23

We have had such a lovely week in Class 2/3 and the children are getting more and more excited as the special day approaches. In our Collective Worships this week we have focused on 'Joy' and how we can spread happiness and joy at Christmas time. The school had a very special visitor this week when Bishop Tom popped in. He chatted with the Year 2/3 children about all the lovely things they had planned over this special season. In our English lessons, we finished writing our story about a lonely Christmas reindeer. It has been Design Technology Week, and in Year 2/3, we designed, baked and decorated our own gingerbread men. 


Week Commencing: 04.12.23

Excitement is mounting in Year 2/3 as we get closer to Christmas. Our R.E. lessons this week have looked at the events leading up to Jesus' birth, including the annunciation and the shepherds' visitation and the children have produced some lovely work. We had the privilege of watching the Cl R/Y1 Nativity this week and we all thought it was spectacular and the acting and singing was fabulous. In geography this week, we have focused on the oceans of the world and found out some fascinating facts. This led to the children producing some amazing and very informative work. We have a new class reading book, called "The Dog that Saved Christmas" and we are using this great story to inspire our own writing. 

Week Commencing: 27.11.23

Well, the cold has really set in now and Class 2/3 are all getting excited for Christmas. In our R.E. lessons this week we have continued with our Advent topic and created a class 'Jesse tree' which represents Jesus' family tree and retells the stories from the Bible leading up to his birth. Our Collective Worship looked at the gospel of Mark and we discussed the first Advent candle which will be lit this Sunday - the candle of 'Hope'. The children have finally finished their persuasive letters which highlight the plight of the Leatherback Turtle. It has been assessment week and the children have showcased all they have been learning in the Autumn term with true determination and grit. Our PSHE lessons continue to look at friendship and how we can maintain, repair and improve friendships. 

Week Commencing: 20.11.23

As we approach the end of November, Class 2/3 remind me, every day now, exactly how many more sleeps there are until Christmas!  In our R.E. lessons this week, we started our new topic which also looks at the countdown to this special season. In our first lesson, we looked at how we would welcome a special visitor into our homes and created a set of instructions on how to be the perfect host. In our English lessons, we have started our independent persuasive letter writing which follows on from our research on the plight of the leatherback turtle. Many of the children have decided to write to King Charles as they know he is very keen on environmental and conservation issues. In maths, we are continuing with addition and subtraction and the children have amazed me with their resilience and determination, even when a topic gets a little tricky.  

Week commencing; 13.11.23

In Class 2/3 this week the focus of our Collective Worships has been linked to Matthew's Gospel and has looked at all our individual talents. I was amazed by some of the wonderful things that Y2/3 are capable of - they are a very special bunch. In English this week, we have started to write our persuasive letter to the Prime Minister to stop plastic pollution, inspired by our class book about a little Indian girl who is on a mission to save the planet. In maths this week we have started column addition and subtraction,  involving 'exchanging' which is a tricky concept to grasp so we will continue this for a little while longer until we all feel confident. It has been Anti-Bullying week and in our PSHE lessons we have looked at what 'bullying' actually is and how we can help others if we think they are being bullied. Africa was the continent we looked at in detail in our geography lessons this week and we used our mapping skills to identify the many countries in the continent of Africa.  

Week Commencing: 06.11.23

In our R.E. lessons this week, Class 2/3 have been looking at Judaism, with a focus on the Jewish place of worship the synagogue. We looked in detail at the important items found inside a synagogue and the similarities and differences to the things we can find inside St. Joseph's church. Our English lessons continued this week by looking at how to save our planet and we have decided to write a formal letter to the Prime Minister to tell him how we feel. In maths,  the Year 3 children have started to look at column addition, using manipulatives to aid their understanding. Our geography lessons this week continued to look at the continents and I am sure you are all familiar with 'The Continent Song' by now! Our focus this week was our own continent - Europe - and we enjoyed discovering the countries that can be found around the United Kingdom. 

Week Commencing: 30.10.23

Our first week back after half term and Class 2/3 are all rested and raring to go. We had a lovely Mass this week and Father Raphael shared his thoughts on the importance of  'All Saints Day'. With this in mind, in our R.E. lessons, we discussed St Joseph and the important role he played as Jesus' stepfather. Our new geography topic started this week and we are learning about the seven continents and surrounding oceans. We had great fun singing the 'continent song' and I'm sure the children will share this with you. In our English lessons, we have started a fantastic new book called, 'Sona Sharm - Looking After Planet Earth' - which links very nicely with our geography.

Week Commencing: 16.10.23

Well, we have reached the end of term and we have packed so much into the last seven weeks in Class 2/3. In our R.E. lessons this week we have been looking at the sacrament of Baptism and Year 2/3 impressed me so much with their resilience and care when we made our Baptism box keepsakes - a little reminder of the symbols of Baptism. Our Collective Worships this week looked at generosity and we thought about all the things that we should be thankful for and the people that we know who are generous and kind. We are coming to the end of our French topic and have been polishing our pronunciation skills as we learn how to greet each other in French.  In history, we created our own cave art and also used the Forest School area to become 'hunter-gathers' . 


Week Commencing: 09.10.23

I can't quite believe we are nearly at half term. The children are working so hard in Class 2/3 and every day they impress me with their new learning. We started our new R.E. topic this week which looks at the sacrament of Baptism and the promises made at our Baptism. We explored how when we are a member of a club or group there are always rules to follow and the children produced some excellent work looking at our school rules of being 'Ready, Respectful and Safe. In our English lessons, we have finally completed our adventure stories and the children have excelled themselves. In our science lessons, we finally got to showcase our shadow puppets and the scientific language used was amazing. 

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Week Commencing: 02.10.23

This week in Class 2/3 have continued to look at the importance of family and relationships in our R.E. lessons and have enjoyed making a recipe for a 'Happy Family'. Our Collective Worships have been linked to the Sunday Gospel and have looked at 'messengers' and the importance of spreading the good word. In our science lessons, we have continued looking at our topic of 'light' and have been investigating shadows. However, the weather was not on our side this week and therefore we created our own puppets to explore how shadows are created.  Our shared write this week, which is an incredible adventure story, has demonstrated how imaginative the children are and they will get the opportunity to show off their independent story writing next week. 

Week Commencing: 25.09.23

In Year 2/3, we have had a great week . In science, we have been looking at the dangers of the sun and carried out an investigation to find the best sun cream on the market. This involved covering small bags of UV beads with different brands of sun cream. The UV beads change colour when exposed to the sun's harmful rays and therefore we could easily see which sun cream was the most protective. In our English lessons, we have started to extend our sentences using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions in preparation for our own story writing. In maths, we have started to focus on the four times table and some of the children are already experts. Our collective worship this week has looked at 'change' and how we are all able to change our ways and make good choices.  

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Week Commencing: 18.09.23

As we approach the end of week 3, Class 2/3 are thoroughly settled into our classroom routines. We are still working hard on 'place value' in maths and our daily counting of our 2s, 5s and 10s has improved so much that we have introduced 'Speedy Gonzales' into our maths starter. We started our history topic by making huge timelines from multilink cubes which demonstrated to us all just how long ago the Stone Age was and how long it lasted. In our R.E. lessons we are focusing on our 'home' and the responsibilities of everyone in the house. In our Collective Worships this week we have looked at 'generosity' which is the focus of the Gospel reading this Sunday and we have made a promise to be more generous at school and at home.   


Week Commencing: 11.09.23

Well, we have reached the end of our second week and Year 2 & 3 are now settled into our daily class routine. The anxiety and nerves of the first week back are starting to disappear and dare I say we are starting to enjoy ourselves. P.E. started this week and we mastered the art of a 'chest pass' and also a 'bounce pass' and we even combined the two - very successfully I may add! On Tuesday, we started our first science topic on 'light' and we discussed 'light sources' and the importance of light in our lives. Our current whole class target is 'collaboration and teamwork' and we have already started to gain table points by working as a team and following the school values and rules.  

Week Commencing 04.09.23

What a wonderful first week we have had in Y2/3 and everyone has settled in so well, including Mrs Wells. We are mastering our new routines nicely and we have the added responsibility of looking after our own pencil case and keeping our own drawer very tidy and organised.  Our maths focus this week has been revision of our number bonds to ten, which are so important as we move up the school. We have also been looking at fact families in maths and some of us have started to use the term 'inverse operation!' In our English lessons we have been embedding our reading skills with revision of the valuable skills of skimming and scanning, retrieval and reading aloud with intonation and tone. As this first week was our 'Art' week, we have enjoyed designing our own printing blocks and creating repeated patterns with a rotational element. We have also looked at a lovely artist called Martha Zausmer and used her ideas to inspire our own collagraphy printing blocks. 


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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

50 Bournes Row,
Gregson Lane,
Danielle Dewhurst
01254 853473 [email protected]